Client: Project: Location: Ports and Infrastructure Consultants Multibeam bathymetric survey of dredge boxes in Devonport pre and post maintenance dredging operations. Naval port specified requirement of special order. Devonport Marine rescue organisation...
Client: Project: Location: Portsmouth City Council Production of the marine ecology chapter for the Southsea Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Scheme Environmental Statement in accordance with 2018 CIEEM EcIA guidelines. Southsea, Hampshire...
Client: Project: Location: Engineering Consultancy Collection of oceanographic parameters (tidal currents, wave and turbidity data) to support coastal process modelling and inform the outline design of a coastal and maritime development scheme. The scheme...
Client: Project: Location: Consultant Sediment sampling in marina for contamination analysis Dover, Kent Consultant Vibrocoring on river Thames at Rainham to provide sediment samples down to dredge depth for marine license application to MMO. River Thames Marine...