Phase I Contaminated Land Assessment

A Phase I contaminated land assessment consists of a desk based study followed by a site walkover survey. Phase I investigations are carried out in accordance with the Environment Agency CLR11 guidelines and relevant BSI standards. Environmental Regulators recommend the assessment of potential pollutant linkages and associated risks through the concept of the source, pathway, receptor model. A source, pathway and receptor must be present and consequent linkage must be established in order to determine the requirement and scope of any future geo-environmental investigation. A Phase I contaminated ground assessment includes both historical and present uses, allowing the forming of a conceptual model for the site with regard to its geology and environmental sensitivity.

In many cases the Phase I contaminated land survey will not result in the identification of any significant risks and will provide sufficient information for planning consent. However, where the conceptual model identifies areas of high risk that cannot be mitigated, or further information is required (e.g. if soil or groundwater contamination is suspected) this will be highlighted and will form the scope of the Phase II investigation. Where this occurs, Ecospan Environmental has the specialist equipment and expertise to complete the secondary intrusive investigations required for further characterisation of site contamination.

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