Port and Harbour Environmental Support
We provide a range of environmental support services to ports, harbours and marinas including environmental consultancy, hydrographic and biological surveys.
Consultancy services range from Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and Marine Licence applications in support of dredging campaigns, to understanding the effects of infrastructure and development projects on the hydrodynamic regime and the sediment/benthos.
- Hydrodynamic modelling to predict the effects of infrastructure changes (e.g. new breakwaters) or sediment plumes from dredging operations.
- Bathymetric surveys (multibeam and single beam surveys).
- Hydrographic surveys including tidal flow (current) measurement
- Sediment sampling using a vibrocorer (for samples up to 4m deep), Van Veen or Day grab. Inter-tidal sediments can be sampled safely from our hovercraft for ports with a large inter-tidal area.
- Dredge plume/turbidity monitoring.
- Ecological assessments including benthic, epibenthic and fisheries surveys. Applications include habitat mapping (biotoping), protected habitats and species surveys (e.g. seagrass, stalked jellyfish and tentacled lagoon worm) as well as surveys targeting Invasive Non Native species (INNS).
- Ecological scientific diving surveys.