Hydrodynamic Modelling

Ecospan has developed full 3-dimensional hydrodynamic models for many of the major UK estuaries. Typical applications include modelling contaminants from effluent discharges, sediment plume deposition, and the effects of coastal development.

Our staff have over 40 years of experience in the hydrodynamic modelling of river, estuarine and coastal processes. We have developed hydrodynamic models for many of the UK’s major estuaries including the Tees Estuary and Tees Bay, Firth of Forth, Severn and Swale as well for several ports and harbours. The modelling process is able to incorporate numerous environmental variables including the effects of tide, temperature, salinity stratification and wind speed/direction to provide accurate model predictions.

Where necessary, model development is supported and validated by baseline data collection (e.g. bathymetric surveys and hydrographic surveys).

Model applications:

• Coastal development feasibility and design studies
• Modelling of potential spill scenarios and ecological impact assessments (e.g. for COMAH / MATTE assessment)
• Modelling effluent discharges (e.g. for environmental permitting)
• Thermal plume modelling
• Sediment plume modelling in support of dredging operations
• Deposition modelling in support of aquaculture consenting
• Prediction of tidal average and maximum concentrations from a discharge.
• Multiple outfall interaction prediction.
• Optimisation of outfall positioning and design.

Recent Projects