Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for planning
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure must be followed before certain types of project or proposal can be given planning consent. The process enables planners to take into account the environmental implications of a development before a planning decision is reached.
Systematic examination of potential impacts ensures that predicted effects, and the scope for reducing them, are properly understood by the public and the relevant competent authority (such as the MMO, Natural England or the Environment Agency) before it makes its decision. Impacts can be positive or negative, and can result directly or indirectly from activities associated with either the construction or operational phases of a proposed project.
Consultation with stakeholders and statutory consultees is fundamental to carrying out thorough EIA. It significantly improves the likelihood of successful mitigation strategies being developed where necessary, and therefore the probability of planning consent being granted.
Our consultancy services also include early stage ecological advice on the likely effects of development which can be used to inform feasibility studies and scheme design. Such studies can help avoid unnecessary expenditure should a project transpire to be unviable, or avoid delays, should a scheme be carried forward.
Our team of consultants at Ecospan have extensive knowledge of the marine environment and of the potential impacts associated with a wide variety of coastal development types. Past projects include those in support of flood defence schemes, provision of waterside homes and maritime business space, and commercial activities such as port and harbour development.
- Environmental Statement (ES) production (According to CIEEM 2018 guidelines)
- Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)
- Stakeholder liaison and consultation
- Feasibility / scoping assessment
- Marine consenting advice and assistance
- Development and implementation of Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) and Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs).
Given the all-encompassing nature of EIA, a wide range of Ecospan’s capabilities as a company can be applied to projects which fall within the scope of EIA, these include:
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals / Baseline surveys
- Sediment and Water Sampling
- Hydrodynamic Modelling
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Bathymetric Surveys