Client:       Project:   Location: 
Portsmouth City Council Production of the marine ecology chapter for the Southsea Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Scheme Environmental Statement in accordance with 2018 CIEEM EcIA guidelines. Southsea, Hampshire
Engineering Consultancy Ecological Impact Assessment of the proposed redevelopment of a power station within a Marine Protected Area. Fawley, Hampshire
Architect Preliminary ecological appraisal of intertidal and subtidal habitats in support of a feasibility study for the redevelopment of a disused pier in Deptford. Thames, Central London
Portsmouth City Council Assessment of the progress of an intertidal habitat creation project by comparing communities within the footprint of a newly created intertidal area, with those in the wider harbour. Langstone Harbour, Hampshire
Property Developer Production of the marine ecology Environmental Statement chapter for a proposed scheme to redevelop an area of Liverpool docks. The EIA was informed by baseline surveys that characterised the lagoon-like habitats and communities that were present. Waterloo Dock, Liverpool
Portsmouth City Council Production of a Marine Ecology Technical Report to inform an Environmental Impact Assessment required as part of a large scale redevelopment within Portsmouth Harbour. The scope included subtidal and intertidal habitats and communities, including seagrass. Portsmouth, Hampshire
Architect Preliminary ecological appraisal of intertidal and subtidal habitats in support of a feasibility study for the redevelopment of a disused pier in Deptford. Thames, Central London
District Council Baseline and dredge monitoring of turbidity and dissolved oxygen levels in a harbour and the surrounding highly protected habitats (including two SAC’s, a SPA, a RAMSAR site and the Thanet Coast MCZ) to determine the path and fate of the dredging plume.  Results were used to make recommendations for future dredging campaigns to minimise sediment deposition on sensitive communities. Thanet Coast
Dredging Contractor Ecological monitoring of a dredging project. This included monitoring the extent and magnitude of the turbidity plume and monitoring its effects on protected species.  Specifically this addressed the stalked jellyfish (UK BAP species) and required periodic assessments of the stalked jellyfish populations in littoral pools close to the dredging site and at a reference area. Penzance
Architect Marine and terrestrial ecological impact assessment to accompany a planning application for the construction of boathouses. Kingsbridge
Consultant Ecological impact assessment of proposed dredging operations on habitats and/or species of conservation importance. The littoral and sublittoral communities were mapped using drop down/towed video, grab sampling of the benthic fauna and Phase I habitat mapping methodology. Sediment samples were also taken to a depth of 3 m using a vibrocorer for contaminant analysis. Mitigation measures were recommended. South West
Developer Provision of an Environmental Statement in respect of a proposed hotel development which satisfied the requirements for an EIA under Schedule II of the Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2011. North Devon
Developer Intertidal habitat mapping and ecological assessment to determine the potential impacts of a development proposal on sensitive and protected habitats and species. The potential impact of both the construction and operational phases upon the SAC, SPA and UK BAP Priority habitats/species was determined.  Recommendations were made for mitigation and further work. Drake’s Island, Plymouth Sound
Energy Company An inter-tidal and sub-tidal survey of benthic macrofauna (and sediment contamination) was carried out to establish a baseline from which to determine the potential impacts from the construction and operation of an outfall from a proposed power plant.  The proposed development was located within an area designated as a SSSI, SPA, RAMSAR and rMCZ, and had the potential to affect a number of BAP priority habitats and species as well as a number of organisms protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Swale Estuary
Architect Phase I Intertidal Survey for the proposed construction of a jetty required as part of an application for a Marine Licence under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Dartmouth
Dredging Contractor Environmental monitoring and ecological impact assessment of sensitive habitats and species in the Salcombe-Kingsbridge Estuary. This multi-disciplinary project included modelling the sediment plumes, contaminant analysis and pre and post dredge monitoring.  Survey methods used included diving on the seagrass beds and sensitive habitats, ADCP, drogue tracking and turbidity monitoring. Salcombe-Kingsbridge Estuary
MoD Intertidal and subtidal habitat assessment to establish a baseline from which the potential impacts from a proposed MoD landing craft co-location project were determined. The proposed development site was located adjacent to a SPA and within Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC, and also had the potential to affect a number of BAP priority habitats and species. Tamar Estuary