Client: | Project: | Location: |
Manufacturing Company | Phase II contaminated land assessment as part of the due diligence required with the change of ownership to obtain baseline contamination data for the site. Drilling was undertaken to maximum depth of 10m using a small drilling rig the Comacchio Geo 205. | Ivybridge, Devon |
Land Owner | Phase II contaminated land assessment of proposed development site following the identification of potential risk of land contamination by metals, PAHs, TPH, SOM and asbestos screen. | Devon |
Land Owner | Phase II contaminated land assessment of proposed development site that was historically used as an orchard. The Phase II intrusive sampling was targeted specifically to determine the presence of lead arsenate and/or copper (II) acetoarsenite that were historically used as orchard pesticides. | Devon |
Mining Company | Assessment of soil arsenic levels post site ground work. | Hemerdon, Devon |
Developers/Land Owners | Numerous Phase I contaminated land investigations (the investigation of potential contamination of soil and groundwater) have been carried out and are usually required to accompany planning applications. | Southwest |
Manufacturing Company | Geoprobing to locate the extent of a chemical spill on an industrial site. | Somerset |
Mining Company | Targeted phase II intrusive investigation in the footprint of the proposed plant to delineate the distribution of arsenic (As) and determine As bioavailability. The findings were used to refine the conceptual model for the site. | Hemerdon, Devon |
AstraZeneca | Installation of boreholes to 2m depth using the Geoprobe and routine sampling inside a petroleum hazard area. | Avonmouth |
Developer | Intrusive Investigation into possible soil and groundwater contamination at historic fuel station location. | North Cornwall |
Developer | Investigation into contamination from decommissioned fuel tanks using a Geoprobe and risk assessment using CLEA model. | Devon |
Mining company | Phase I Contaminated Land Assessment at site historically mined for Tin and Tungsten which has been proposed for re-opening as a Tungsten mine. | Hemerdon, Devon |
Chemical company | Sampling sediment and water from brine cavities that were over 300m deep. | Teeside |
Site landlord | Installation and quarterly monitoring of boreholes on a disused landfill site and the monitoring of leachate levels in surface waters. |
South Devon |
Solicitor | Soil and groundwater sampling to determine levels of contamination around redundant fuel storage tanks on a garage forecourt. | Plymouth |
Consultant | Sampling of a contaminant plume beneath a demolished chemical site to measure the efficacy of a soil remediation project. | South Wales |
Consultant | Soil sampling inside disused production buildings using the Geoprobe. | North Wales |
Consultant | Contaminated groundwater profiling using the Geoprobe on inter-tidal areas. | Port Talbot |
AstraZeneca | Delineation of a contaminant plume around a redundant chemical plant. | Teeside |
AstraZeneca | Geoprobe investigation of soil and groundwater around storage tanks/boiler plant. Collection of reference data for the Site Protection Monitoring report for an IPPC permit. | Cheshire |
Chemical Company | Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis as part of a contaminated land remediation project. | Manchester |
AstraZeneca | Geoprobe investigation in a construction area prior to building completion following the emergence of previous contamination. | Macclesfield |
Chemical Company | Quarterly borehole and river sampling to monitor contaminant levels against the relevant Environmental Quality Standards. | Manchester |
Chemical Company | Six monthly borehole sampling and analysis as part of an ongoing contaminant monitoring programme. | Northeast |
Consultant | Detailed site investigation of soil and groundwater of an historically highly contaminated area prior to remediation. | Manchester |
Chemical Company | Detailed investigation below chemical works and old waste areas prior to divestment of land to show due diligence. | France |
Consultant | Assessment of the contamination of the sediments in a river in the proximity of a power station discharge prior to the removal of a weir. | Leeds |
Chemical Company | Monitoring of groundwater contaminants by biennial borehole monitoring. | Brantham |
Industrial consortium | Regular borehole and river sampling over an industrial site and historical landfill area. | Huddersfield |
AstraZeneca | Geoprobe investigation inside a production building to determine the extent of an organic solvent plume. | Avonmouth |
AstraZeneca | Routine borehole monitoring on Pharmaceutical site. | Avonmouth |
AstraZeneca | Probing and groundwater sampling to define an effluent plume as part of the due diligence process regarding land liability. | India |
Chemical Company | Tracking of a major effluent plume and monitoring of natural attenuation. | Huddersfield |
Consultant | Manual collection of sediment cores using the Geoprobe system in a highly contaminated river running through a disused chemical site. | Manchester |