Client: | Project: | Location: |
Consultancy | Hydrodynamic modelling study of the flows around the existing Fortina lido in Malta and assessment of proposed development of the facility | Fortina, Malta |
Paper Mill | Development of 3D model of the Swale estuary which was used to predict temperature and chemical concentration contours in the Swale estuary for the proposed increase in discharge temperature from a paper mill discharge. Including seasonal and weather variations. Assessment of how the predicted environmental temperatures and concentrations compare with the regulatory standards or toxicity levels. Assessment of likely impacts on the SPA, MCZ, protected features, habitats/species of conservation importance and any other features of local importance (e.g. oyster beds). | Swale |
Biofuel manufacturer | Modelling to assess the performance of the existing discharge and an alternative mode of a continuous discharge using the previously developed and approved tidal dispersion model of the Tees. | Teeside |
Chemical manufacturer | Modelling work to determine the movement and dispersion of potential chemical spills to give simulations of the concentration in the Tees estuary over time until diluted to below the threshold of toxicity. These modelling results were then used to assess the impact on the fauna and flora of the Tees estuary and apply the COMAH and CDOIF guidelines to predict the severity of each potential incident. | Tees Estuary |
Paper Mill | As part of the BAT process, Ecospan Environmental Ltd were asked to build and validate a mathematical model to predict tidal flows, dilution and dissolved oxygen concentrations in an area of the Bristol Channel. The model predictions suggested that the environmental benefits of introducing costly additional treatment to remove BOD/COD from the Paper Mill effluent would be minimal. | Bristol Channel |
Mining Company | Modelling studies were used to assess the dispersion of particulate matter discharged into the marine environment from the mines operations. The model incorporated two components. Firstly, the spread of particulate matter in the effluent was modelled within and beyond the mixing zone, giving predictions of suspended sediment concentrations in the water column and areas of the seabed where the material was most likely to be deposited. Concentrations of a specific element associated with the particulates was also predicted. Secondly, the settling and spread of material dredged from the outfall area was modelled at the dredge dump site. | Cleveland |
Consultancy | As part of the assessment of a proposed coastal defence scheme, a hydrodynamic and water quality model was built to predict the effects of the construction of a new breakwater and extending an existing breakwater coupled with making a breach in the harbour wall to help flushing of a stagnant area. The model, coupled with predictions of wave conditions, was used to investigate how these changes would affect the flushing of the inner bay, the sheltering of a mooring area for small craft, and the stability of a beach which protects an important wetland area. | Marsaxlokk Bay, Malta |
Utility company | A discharge from a proposed treatment plant intended to combine effluents from a power station and a second operating site was simulated. The simulation was run using a model that was previously designed and used to provide predictions of dispersion and dilution for a main cooling water outfall and a treatment plant discharge from the power station. | Aberdeenshire |
Food Manufacturer | A proposed change to an effluent flow and its constituent concentrations as a result of increased production was modelled using the Ecospan FVCOM model for the Tees estuary. The worst case scenario for each constituent was simulated to determine whether water quality standards for the estuary would be complied with. The results showed that the water quality standards for all effluent constituents would be met at the edges of the mixing zone 100 m upstream and downstream of the outfall. No potential impacts on the sensitive sites within the estuary were predicted as a result of the proposed increase in production. |
Tees Estuary |
Chemical Manufacturing Company | In support of a COMAH assessment, a mathematical model of the Forth estuary was built and validated against existing data for the area. The model was used to predict the chemical concentrations in the estuary for 5 chemical spill scenarios, including readily soluble materials and immiscible materials that would form a slick on the surface of the water. | Forth Estuary |
Manufacturing Company | Following the collection of bathymetry and tidal flow data, a mathematical model for the Wyre estuary was created and validated. The dilution and spread of an effluent discharged into the Wyre estuary was modelled under different tidal and weather conditions (river flow and wind). The flushing time for the effluent to be carried downstream and out of the estuary was estimated. | Wyre Estuary |
Manufacturing Company | In support of a COMAH assessment, the Ecospan FVCOM model of the Tees was used to predict the movement and dispersion of 11 possible different chemical spills into the controlled waters of the Tees estuary. The modelling results were then used to predict the impact on the fauna and flora of the Tees estuary and to assess if a MATTE was likely under the COMAH regulations together with determining the CDOIF severity category for each incident. | Tees Estuary |
Oil company | Prediction of initial dilution and dilution at the edge of the mixing zone for a discharge of a dense effluent in the Forth estuary. | Forth Estuary |
Dredging company | Prediction of sediment movement, spread and likely deposition zones resulting from water injection dredging in the Salcombe-Kingsbridge estuary. | Salcombe-Kingsbridge Estuary |
Oil company | Prediction of the movement and dispersion of oil spills in the lower Tees estuary for COMAH assessment. | Tees Estuary |
Power Station | Prediction of the spread and dispersion of hot water from an existing power station cooling water discharge and the planned increase in the discharge flows in the adjacent coastal waters. The predictions were used to assess the vulnerability of ecologically sensitive areas and species adjacent to the discharge. | Malta |
Manufacturing Facility | Simulation of potential chemical spills from a manufacturing plant into Billingham Beck and the Tees estuary including an assessment of the ecological consequences for COMAH regulations. | Tees Estuary |
Manufacturing Facility | Simulation and ecological assessment of potential chemical spills from a manufacturing facility into the Tees estuary for COMAH regulations. | Tees Estuary |
Power Plant | Prediction of temperature and salinity increases in Ridham dock and the Swale resulting from a cooling water discharge. | Swale Estuary |